17 June 2020

ML Studio Speaker

As a student who curious about lots of things, I always watch documentaries and Ted Talk on youtube. Kadang² everytime before sleep mesti bukak youtube tengok benda² macam tu laa. Ada satu hari tuu I watched Ted Talk about North Korean refugee pastu I rasa macam amazed gila dengan diorang punya courage to speak up in front of so many people and to let the world know about their struggles. Lepastu terus I macam ada cita² nak jadi speaker Ted Talk hahaha tapi tulaa audience dia sangat besar and macam impossible je so I berangan jela. Walaupun sebenarnya Ted Talk tu sesiapa pun boleh jadi speaker as long as you have a topic tapi itula I still teruskan berangan hahaha.

Sampai lah satu hari tu I discover Mat Luthfi punya platform which is, ML Studio. ML studio ni actually sama je concept dia macam Ted Talk cuma its Malaysia punya where you can speak Malay! As a ML's biggest fan I selalu je follow perkembangan dia. Bila I dapat tahu ML cakap nak buat satu platform yang mana orang dalam bidang tertentu boleh bincang about dia punya expertise to educate people I sumpah tak sabar. This is before ML studio was establish tau. I tengok ML's interview dekat MHI tak silap. Masa tu I rasa macam it was one of the best idea ever sebab ye laa kalau memang kita punya expertise senang la orang percaya lagi² nak menentang mitos yang sekarang cepat gila tersebar.   Masa awal² ML studio wujud tak ramai pun speaker, I think tak sampai sepuluh orang pun and every week orang yang sama je cakap pasal certain topic. Honestly my most favourite speaker is Kak Siti Awe! Best gilaa dia punya talk dah la cantik huhu. Because of her I selalu doa I nak jadi speaker ML studio! Masa tu rasa macam impossible gilaa. I siapa je nak jadi speaker? Orang lain semua macam dah bekerjaya sebab tuu diorang boleh educate people and share knowledge tapi I? I tak habis degree lagi masatu hahaha. One of the best thing kalau dapat jadi speaker ML studio and share ilmu dengan semua orang yang ada access internet, benda tu boleh jadi salah satu saham akhirat tau. Sebab tu I nak sangattttt hahaha

Recently, my friend Liyana dah jadi ML Studio's speaker and topic dia about Chemistry since she's currently doing Master in Chemistry. Masa tu I macam wow gila how my friend boleh jadi speaker ni? Lepastu I tanya la dia macam mana, and turns out sesiapa pun boleh jadi speaker!! Cuma perlu submit video dekat ML studio nanti dia tapis and edit. So sejak daripada tu I nekad nak jadi speaker. I have a lot of topics to be discussed and propossed dekat ML Studio. Doakan I berjaya okay! I serious tak sabar nak tulis script and record video. Cuma sekarang ni patut tak I invest dekat green screen and lighting? Hahahaha ke tak perlu? Acahhh je padahal satu apa pun takde lagi. Ok takpelah, I cuma harap tahun ni jugak I boleh debut dekat ML Studio. Doakan ye guys semoga impian I jadi kenyataan hehe. 

0 sunshine:

Light Pink Pointer