20 December 2015

Fast foward

I already in my fourth semester! I tak tahu laa usually I suka je blog about other stuffs tapi I notice I asyik blog pasal study je. Boring betul hahaha. So many things happened tapi I tak sempat nak blog semua. Last semester Alhamdulillah I managed to get a dean list for the second time. Hoping the same for this semester. Last semester I also joined program Bakal Calon MPP. Tak sangka I active! Hahaha It was tiring but fun. I get to meet new friends from other faculty and from UiTM Seri Iskandar. I'll never forget that experience I had at Sungai Perak.

Anyway, this is actually kind of an appreciation post for my roommates, Wawa and Kamilah! Thank you so much guys. I can't believe a beautiful, kind hearted and silly person at the same time exist! You guys are the best! Suka sangat duduk dengan korang thank you sebab jaga Tia macam adik² hahaha. Kalau time makan jarang la sekejap. Dah duduk dengan diorang confirm makan sampai 2 jam weiii! Banyak sangat borak hahaha. Finally I jumpa jugak geng satu kepala hahaha kawan² sebelum ni semua asyik serious je. Asyik study je. Tak best laa hahaha. I hope our friendships last long! InshaAllah

0 sunshine:

Light Pink Pointer