21 November 2014

New Place, New Environment, New Friends

I skipped blogging a lot these days sebab dah tak boleh nak bagi commitment macam masa sekolah dulu. Terlalu busy so takde masa sangat nak blog but I'll try la sebab nak jugak ada kenangan sikit sebab diary pun dah tak tulis sekarang. 

Anywayy, there's about a week left to start a new semester in a new place! Apparently, I only stayed in Arau for a semester je and will move to Uitm Tapah, Perak. Okay laa nasib baik kejap je. I actually nervous sebab I have to start all over again in new place. I don't how it'll be like. Harap² okay jelaa. I'll be meeting new friends there and thanked god almost all of my previous classmate akan pindah Tapah jugak. Actually Tapah ni kampus baru. So student course I ni yang transit dari Jengka, Arau and Pilah akan berkumpul dekat Tapah pulak. I hope it way more fun than Arau supaya I tak menyesal hahaha. Tapi okay la boleh merasa banyak kampus.

I'm so thankful for my results for the first semester sebab dapat 3 pointers Alhamdulillah. Bila dah habis semester I baru dapat tangkap how the education systems of university actually works. I honestly have zero knowledge about the systems bila dah exam dapat result baru nampak. So I kecewa sikit laa sebab I know I could do better if I actually know how it works. Tapi takpe la I'll take it as a learning process and I'll try to do better next time inshaAllah.

0 sunshine:

Light Pink Pointer